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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Japan and China argue

The headline news on google is about Japan and China bickering. I guess it's mostly about Chinese people being pissed about some lessons in Japanese textbooks. Leaders of the countries are trying to kiss and make-up.

"It was the first top-level discussion since huge anti-Japanese protests erupted earlier this month in major Chinese cities over Tokyo's approval of school textbooks that China claims play down such wartime atrocities as mass sex slavery and germ warfare. "


I don't know what the textbooks actually say. But are they really pissed because twelve year olds aren't learning about the sex slave trade? In the nuclear age, it is disheartening to hear about powerful nations arguing over school books. A great documentary about that issue is here:


Blogger DOBBER said...

Good point. Your right about the textbooks the words of George Orwell: "Who controls the past controls the future;
who controls the present controls the past."

9:49 AM


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