Keeping you current on our on-going struggles with freedom in America

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

If it worked in Maryland, let's try New Hampshire!

This article article is simply amazing! Before I joined the military, I flirted with moving to New Hampshire because of the free state project. I hear New England is a beautiful place to live. I'd been to Conway New Hampshire; and they do have a nice beach town in Portsmouth. Maybe I'll retire there to pursue the excitement of liberty and limited government. But I'm severely disappointed with New Hampshire, and it will go on my list of states that I'm currently mad at.

It seems New Hampshire lawmakers are threatening a lawsuit forcing all companies sized 1500 or greater (aka Wal-Mart) to pay an amount in health care benefits equal to 10.5% of payroll costs. This is 2.5% higher than Maryland. Does the simple fact that the numbers are different strike anyone as fishy? Hmm....why 8%? Why 10.5%? If this policy would be so good for workers, why not make it 13%? Or 55%?


Because if states enacted policies like these, companies would be forced to FIRE people! And firing people is bad for workers! Would you rather have a job, but no healthcare benefits, or no job and no healthcare benefits?

I know what you are thinking....You would rather have a job AND healthcare benefits. And since it would be better if all people had a job and healthcare benefits, then the government should just make it so! But when we rely on government, stuff fails. When we rely on us, we succeed.


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