Keeping you current on our on-going struggles with freedom in America

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Justice Sunday

Read the first sentence of this website headline and tell me you're not disgusted.
"Justice Sunday - Stopping the Filibuster Against People of Faith"

HUH? The filibuster against people of faith? That's what the Democrats are: "against people of faith." Come on. People of faith are christians. The politicians that are doing the fillibustering are anti-Christians? MOST OF THEM ARE CHRISTIANS!

It angers me when we make political debates into religous debates. It is just not healthy debate. Do NOT get me wrong. Every group of people in America has the right to be heard. Every person and group has an opinion that counts. But, to call your opponent out like they are against God or something...that's like a blow below the toga!

Look at this promotional poster:

"Public Service?.....Faith in Christ?...We Should not have to choose."

What? What does that even mean? Are Peace Corps volunteers immoral heathens or something? I signed up on the email list to receive notification when the simulcast will be available for download. This I have to hear!

A good friend of mine sent me this quote not long ago when I was debating him on a completely seperate issue. How true this is today:


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