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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Daily Show Re-cap

1. Samantha Bee was on location interviewing two women who were fired for being cigarette smokers. What's their beef? No one is forcing them to work there. This is a private company hiring people based on a contract agreed upon by two parties, employee and employer. The interesting thing was, they were only complaining, and not actually proposing solutions.

2. Jon Stewart's guest was Christina Hoff who recently wrote a book called: One Nation Under Therapy: How the Helping Culture is Eroding Self-Reliance. It's about how always being overly sensitive to kids' feelings is actually hurting them in the long run. She points out recent trends like not keeping score at Little League games, and eliminating Dodge Ball from gym class. ELIMNATE DODGE BALL FROM GYM CLASS?!?!?!?!! I freaking lived for that while attending Jay Neff Middle School! But seriously, I definitely agree with her.

As always, if you don't see it at air-time, you can catch a lot of the episode here:


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