Keeping you current on our on-going struggles with freedom in America

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Are you a libservative coneral?

Take this quiz and find out.

Take a guess where I ended up, based on that quiz.

Liservatives and Conberals

As far as I'm concerned, the terms liberal and conservative have almost no meaning any more. Especially for the latter. I've been harping on this since before the election, with all of my friends that said they want a conservative in the White House. I said, okay, vote for this guy then. Finally, I'm coming across articles written by more successful bloggers than I, better writers than I, and much smarter people than I.

The collective point of all those references is the fact that the Republicans in power are not doing anything to make government smaller....a classic conservative mantra.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Regarding Charter School

Charter Schools give parents more educational choices. A friend of mine (Travis) wrote a tale about two fictional parents discussing where to send their children to school. Us Gen Xers can only dream that this will someday be reality...

I give a guest commentary after the tale's conclusion.

When all else fails, change the law!

The US House decided that the total amount of allowable debt for the United States (us taxpayers) should be raised. Rather than reign in ridiculous wasteful spending, we should just increase our credit limit!


Tuesday, May 10, 2005


The pork advisory system level has risen!

Check out CAGW website to learn about our elected leaders wasting tax money!

Monday, May 09, 2005

More education bickering

The department of education is expensive. I'm not talking martini at a trendy club expensive, I'm talking REALLY expensive. The budget is tens of billions. And it goes up every year.

What does that money do for students and teachers, other than make their lives more miserable? I have not been able to answer that question. Hence, the recent posts about School Choice.

I came across yet another article about arguments over education and funding and what not. It seems some states want to make decisions about their schools. Not listen to what the feds say is the best educational practices. The question I ask is this: Would your school district be better off with more or less control of your child's education? The more control the federal government has over your child's education, the less control your state has, the less control your county has, the less control the school district has, and the less control YOU have.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Fun Language Test

how do yinzers do on it?

my results:

65% General American English
15% Dixie
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern

I was laughing so hard I forgot to finish reading

the article. There is yet another great quote:

"But Edwards noted "nothing of what we do here is more important than to protect our young children," who, he argued, are being sent the wrong message by suggestive dance routines. "

Once again, over and over...whether it's passing laws about dance team routines or wasting taxpayer money "reforming" Major League Baseball, I hear about how it's about the children. We're doing it for the children.

Is that the purpose of government? To raise our children? I thought that's what parents did!

No more "sexy" cheerleading moves in Texas

For the past few days Google News has been feeding me information for my stance on privatizing school. Today it's this ridiculous article. This bill:

"Already lawmakers in the Texas House have approved a bill to ban sexually suggestive dance moves "

Hahahahahahahaah! Who the heck decides what moves are too "sexually suggestive"???????!!!!!

Also, quoting from the article:

"The bill's author, Rep. Al Edwards, also a Democrat from Houston, responded by noting that the activity that would be banned "is like sex -- you'll know it when you see it." "


That is just too funny! Imagine sitting in a gym between quarters in a basketball game. The cheerleaders run out to the gym smiling, but making sure there smiles aren't too sexy. Then they do their routine, making sure that any hip movements are very modest in nature. And I guess there will be sexually suggestive police standing on the sideline, taking notes!

Wow. Well, chalk up another point to the privatize side of the argument. Because then, school management and the PTA will decide what is overtly sexual, not legislators hundreds of miles away!

Bravo Mr. President,1280,-4984982,00.html

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

School officials blush at mention of ....uhh....

vagina. A few students were suspended from school for wearing pins and t-shirts that mentioned the word. I'm not going to argue whether or not students can wear shirts that say offensive things. What I will argue for is school choice.

If school were privatized, it would be up to the individual school's management whether or not a button that says "i heart vagina" or a t-shirt that calls President Bush an international terrorist is acceptable dress. Then the school would be accountable. How? Parents can choose whether or not to send their child to that school! The great thing about that idea is, though I may have an opinion on the matter, I can only have a voice if I am part of that school (as faculty, student, parent, etc). What I think about a dress code may be vastly different than what someone in North Dakota thinks, and so be it.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Studies Show We're Fat

another study tells us the obvious. We're fat and getting fatter. Do we care?

Best Social Security Fix I've come across

Written by policy examiners at the Cato Institute, it's the 6.2 percent solution to the looming social security problem. I've read it, and I like it. In the words of Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber: "I like you....I like you a lot."

My take is this. First of all, there does exist a problem. Therefore, we need to fix it. I will reject any plan that proposes to raise taxes in any way. Yinz in DC already got enough of my money! So this plan solves the problem by allowing people the choice....hold on. Let me re-emphasize that: CHOICE. It gives people the choice to divert their half of the payroll tax (6.2 percent) to private investments: 60 percent stocks and 40 percent bonds. Read the proposal, tell me what you think.

Are there any other proposals out there?